KidK Mirai

Ancalagon the Black
Ancalagon the Black by @kidkourage (KidK Mirai)

And this is the other pic I made for Lynne. The great and powerful Lord of the Winged Dragons of MiddleEarth, Ancalagon the Black. u.u applause please Lynne asked me to include him in another of my projects, which will soon be posted here, so I did. ^-^ And then since she liked how I colored him so very much, I drew him for her, too (you can tell I'm a lot better with Dragon heads than with bodies, huh? ..;;). Next time I should really take more time and do individual scales. o.O At that point, though, I didn't have enough time. Ancalagon rocks. He is now officially my 15th headvoice. throws confetti And probably my only completely sane headvoice, at that. Heheh...puts on the Bach music ^.^

Finished Work
20y293d ago
Other Work By @kidkourage

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