XD!!! Should it be considered a bad thing that my first thought when I saw this was ":O IT'S PUNK VASH!"
^.^ He does good music, mmyup.
KidK Mirai
Ta-daaaaaaa~! Lynne I carried out half my threat! >D I recently said that all said Lynne's drawings of composers did not make me want to draw composers myself, but instead to try and draw my own modern music heroes in the Jhoneny/KidK style. Specifically Pete Burns and Billy Idol. So this is the Idol-man! ^^ He hash got a good and cool voice and such happy songs with crashy chords and he ZIM CACKLES in 'Shock to the System!!!' Okay...so I admire him. He's British. Wow, random. ...okay, nuff said, I will now step back and let any fellow punk fans enjoyish. =B
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..............@@...........spikey......blonde....HAIR!!!!!!!!!!! ^^!!!!! AHHHHH! He'sJustSODamnHOT!!!!!!!!!! falls over