
GraveDancer - HAKAI
GraveDancer - HAKAI by @TimeChaser (TimeChaser)

GraveDancer's human form, Hakai. A pen and ink image with simple coloring added. The hiragana on the sign says "hakai," which means "destruction."

Finished Work
19y332d ago
Other Work By @TimeChaser

Comments & Critiques (1)

Preferred comment/critique type for this content: Any Kind

Posted: Sunday, 08 August, 2004 @ 02:02 AM

Hey, I'm the girl that did the art trade with you on this pic! I thought I should give you some comments instead of just saying that I liked it.^^ What's really great is her pose and expression. Everything fits really well together and the proportions are perfect. I like how she looks really good and cute, but she doesn't look like a slut. With the way her legs are and her eyes, she radiates a real sense of cuteness.^^ Hehe. I'm not sure of the story behind this character, but she has a great personality. I don't think I have any criticism except for maybe to work on hands a bit more. But I'm horrible at hands, too, so no worries. It's a great pic and you gave her a great personality. Thanks for letting me draw her!

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What kind of comments is TimeChaser seeking for this piece?

  • Any Kind - Self-explanatory.
  • Casual Comments - Comments of a more social nature.
  • Light Critique - Comments containing constructive suggestions about this work.
  • Heavy Critique - A serious analysis of this work, with emphasis on identifying potential problem areas, good use of technique and skill, and suggestions for potentially improving the work.
Please keep in mind, critiques may highlight both positive and negative aspects of this work, but the main goal is to constructively help the artist to improve in their skills and execution. Be kind, considerate, and polite.