Chris T.E.

Pirate buddies ^^
Pirate buddies ^^ by @CoolKidCoco (Chris T.E.)

Oh god... ^^;; Another old pic I never got around to uploading... sigh lol

Nai, London, and Parke, looking cute... I can't decide which one to hug though... Nai, trying to get used to his new home... London, thinking of some evil plan to bug Khailei... or... dr00l hugs Parke He's so cute looking shy and crud like that ^.^ (Yes, I am hopeless. Shaddap. :-p)

while fixing an airship London: Nai, I forget what oil tastes like... I haven't messed up in such a long while... Naaaaai, what's it taste liiiike? ^^ Nai: cough; sputter Like my brother Taikan's cooking... Parke: ...bad cooking...? O_O Oh, you poor poor thing... Khai: Oh, for the love of Lephise... -_-;;

21y39d ago
Other Work By @CoolKidCoco

Comments & Critiques (1)

Preferred comment/critique type for this content: Any Kind

Posted: Sunday, 18 May, 2003 @ 04:14 PM

YAY! ::happy dance:: i like this one! it is the whole pirate crew.. other that the cap'n. anywho ::blank stare:: i like it.. .. .. BURRITO!

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