Seifer-sama C.

Void of Anger
Void of Anger by @Seifer_sama (Seifer-sama C.)

My first time drawing Miroku. ^^ It was for a friend and she is in love with Miroku... so i had to give it my best. I have been working on this for the passed two days at school or when ever I have any freetime. And I just finished it this evening. sighs I feel like I have just finished a really big project. laughs

thinks Well other than this void hand... I didn't have much trouble with this picture... The background was annoying... but nothing compared to some of the backgrounds of my previous pictures. Simplicity can be a good thing. ^^;

Finished Work
19y159d ago
Other Work By @Seifer_sama

Comments & Critiques (1)

Preferred comment/critique type for this content: Any Kind

Posted: Friday, 28 January, 2005 @ 06:56 PM

Miroku looks as someone wish to attack him and he try to defend himself...good pic...very interesting...

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