
Miss Professor Iryilicia
Miss Professor Iryilicia by @Arcyriea

I am still currently working on this portrait of Airya in Realspace timeline, in which she has a different backstory than her counterpart in the Niariekyian Realm's timeline... Therefore we have 2 different parallel universes where her fate follows different trajectories for each parallel world we observes...

Every tragic events that happens to her and her race in the Niariekyian Realm, including the demise and death of her twin sister Eirya, the rise to power of the Hegemonic Imperial of Takanii, the existence of the Three Realm Alliance will not take their place in the history of Realspace Saga, moreover the Great Takanii Civil War would never happen in the first place.

In the vast expanse of the Realspace timeline, a lone ship found itself stranded and derelict, adrift in the cold emptiness of space. It was a desolate sight, a haunting reminder of the perils that lurked beyond the safety of civilization. But fate had a different plan in store for this forsaken vessel.

It was a group of intrepid human ships, their crew members seasoned salvagers, who stumbled upon this forgotten craft. Their eyes widened with a mix of curiosity and trepidation as they cautiously approached the dormant ship. What secrets lay hidden within its silent walls? What tales of adventure and tragedy were etched into its very core?

As she slowly regained consciousness, her senses were overwhelmed by the sensation of being cradled in the warm embrace of human hands. Her mind, still clouded by the remnants of sleep, struggled to make sense of her surroundings. Gradually, her thoughts began to coalesce, and she found herself able to articulate the extraordinary tale that had brought her to this moment.

In a voice tinged with both weariness and urgency, she revealed that her kind had embarked on a perilous mission to the far reaches of the Andromeda galaxy. Their escort fleet, a formidable force in its own right, had been suddenly and ruthlessly assaulted by an unknown armada. The chaos that ensued was unimaginable, as her comrades fought valiantly to defend their ships against the relentless onslaught.

In a desperate bid for survival, her vessel had executed an emergency jump, its hull ravaged by the relentless barrage of enemy fire. Tragically, she was the sole survivor of this daring maneuver, her colleagues succumbing to the perils of interstellar travel. The ship's warp drive propelled her through the vast expanse of the Milky Way, hurtling towards an uncertain fate. Yet, as fate would have it, the ship's generator, pushed to its limits, eventually succumbed to the strain and erupted in a cataclysmic explosion.

As the dust settled and she emerged from the wreckage, she found herself confronted with a new reality. It was then that she revealed her true identity as a scientist, her purpose in venturing into the unknown depths of space becoming clear. Upon hearing news of the human's repeated encounters with the enigmatic Alien Union, she felt an overwhelming sense of duty and compassion. Driven by a desire to aid the lost human colony in their struggle for survival and technological advancement, she willingly offered her expertise.

Knowing that her own kin were also locked in a bitter conflict with the Alien Union who are enemies to even the archfoe of the United Fleet, the Katuri Empire, she recognized the opportunity to forge an alliance. Drawing upon her Takanii heritage and the vast reservoir of knowledge she possessed, she became the linchpin of the Shingenii Imperial Navy. It was her contributions that formed the very backbone of their military might, enabling them to stand firm against the relentless onslaught of their common enemy.

And so, as she lay there, her body still weak from the trials she had endured, she resolved to dedicate herself to the cause. With unwavering determination, she would guide these lost humans colony towards a brighter future, one where they could not only survive but thrive in the face of adversity.

Even when the human's home planet Earth was no more following the destruction brought by the vengeful acts of the Katuri Empire against the corrupted council of the United Fleet, the peoples of the Shingenii shall continue their gaze toward tomorrow.

© 2023 Arcyriea

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Posted: Wednesday, 04 October, 2023 @ 02:04 AM
Rating: 5

That's great.

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