Bridgette Berry

*BOOM* by @idgiebay (Bridgette Berry)

I've never tried CGing an explosion before... I suck. XP

Anyhow, that's Fushcia, Mouko's original Invader Zim character, and this is art inspired by the story Conquer Me! WHOOO.

..and that's not a planet blowing up in the background. pfffts at Diesel XP~

Teen (V)
Finished Work
22y63d ago
Other Work By @idgiebay

Comments & Critiques (9)

Preferred comment/critique type for this content: Any Kind

Posted: Tuesday, 30 April, 2002 @ 04:01 PM


Posted: Tuesday, 30 April, 2002 @ 04:23 PM

Sad looking Fu.. sniffle I wish I knew what had just happened! ^^;

Anyhow, I LUV the shading! LUV LUV LUV! And for a 'first try' on an explosion, I think it looks darn good.

Sorry that I couldn't tell it was a ship! I'm sure if I'd known the events around the pic, I'd have known!!! sniffle Don't hurt me! ; . ;

You should draw more Idgie and Diesel. =)

Weirdness about the 'disallowed language'... does that mean I can't mention how much I like the Dick van Dyke Show in my comments? sniffles

Posted: Tuesday, 30 April, 2002 @ 05:15 PM

w00t! Good explosion! Y'know, you do a lot of art for "Conquer Me". Would you do some for my `fic, "The Spawn"? Thanks. Later. -Unknowner

Posted: Tuesday, 30 April, 2002 @ 05:28 PM

XD! Ya gotta love Fuschia. And that explosion's not all that bad. Better than anything /I/ could come up with, anyway. :-b

Posted: Tuesday, 30 April, 2002 @ 09:10 PM

Ooooh. O.O I LOVE IT! It's BEAUTIFUL! And it so fits the scene, too! XD Utterly fantastic! That exposion... soooo pretty and it casts such an unearthy, eerie glow on the scene! AND Fuschia looks so dejected... it's perfect! Poor, abused Fuschia!

Posted: Wednesday, 01 May, 2002 @ 02:51 AM

That explosion's really good, actually. Awww, poor Fuschia. He needs to take a holiday or something and get away from it all.

Posted: Wednesday, 01 May, 2002 @ 03:39 AM

Aww....Poor Fushia. It looks like her ship's blown up. I like the way you've captured her emotion in the pic....great use of CGI too!


Posted: Monday, 20 May, 2002 @ 01:44 PM

That's a /he/, Laro. Anyways, the explosion-thingy is kool. Definitly somethin' I cannot do. I suck at computer graphic arts. sigh I luv it! Doo more!

Posted: Sunday, 23 June, 2002 @ 05:31 AM
Fuschia: Gah!! Let go! Why can't people just leave me alone!???!?!?!?!?! *runs away screaming*
Oko: Baby be shy!!

ehhehehehehehee...can you tell im obessed with poor fuschia? anyway, grrreat pic! can i tell them that it was a ship that blowed up? oh wait....already did....oops....-.- please nobody kill me!

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