Li Chi Son

Tailigail's long hair, with a bow
Tailigail's long hair, with a bow by @Li_Chi (Li Chi Son)

Hehhehehe, I love words that are spelt the same but sound different. The 'bow' means to curtsy, not ribbon bow, etc.

N e hoo....enough of that. Geez Tailigail sure has a lot of hair under that hat of his. Bells at the end of his bangs, hehehhe. I kinda pictured him balancing on a ball so his feet is pointed(bad curve lines on the shoe tho -_-;).

All in all, I like it a lot. Drew the body wiht pencil again. It's getting difficult for me to draw a body with a black inky pen. I'll stick to blue pen thank you. The difference? You can't control the amount of ink that comes out of inky pens, with normal writing pens, you cna play around with the pressure of the pen (ie really light structual lines for the body and face)

N e hoo!! ENJOY!! Artwork © Copyright 2002 Li Chi Son

Finished Work
22y63d ago
Other Work By @Li_Chi

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