Li Chi Son

Battle of Power
Battle of Power by @Li_Chi (Li Chi Son)

High general, leader of the Nightmarian army and right-hand man: Neo Tailigail(top left) vs Arrogant usurper(word meaning: taking things without right) Nightmarian Jujustu (bottom right)

Short story that played in my head when I created Jujustu (a 'request') Who do you think will win? Hehhehehe, only I know! MUAHAHAHAHAH!

points to the top left character that IS Tailigail (down two pics), just an upgraded pic of him without his hat. Neo Tailigail DOES have bells haing on the tips of his hair(^_^, having fun with bells) Going to put the scanned pic of his full suit on side7 some day.

Jujustu: his left eye is fake....still deciding which side fake eye would be on(did sketch before this and fake was on right side) His detachable wings....right wing is a metal, sword-like wing for offense and left wing(very hidden) is a small angel(bird) wing for healing. Honestly..I seem to have too much time on my heads to think of all this in one night :P

Ooooh.....interesting note for people that know my drawing style.....i used icky pencil to draw this pic. (excluding the head.....head always done in pen) Yeah, I'm kinda reverting back to pencil so that my body proportions don't look......messy.

I should have drawn something in the space beside Tailigail but I don't know what......(wind can't blow two opposite directions at once :P) Lucky Jujustu, his wings filled that space....

Anyhoo! Enough talk! ENJOY! Artwork © Copyright 2002 Li Chi Son

Finished Work
22y63d ago
Other Work By @Li_Chi

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