Lauren Sefchik

Pepsi....the diabolical psycho boy
Pepsi....the diabolical psycho boy by @laursefc (Lauren Sefchik)

This was a fanart I did for a recent friend of mine who has a little webcomic called 'Orange Soda'. I saw her concepts for the guy and thought "I must do a fanart for her...he's got a cool design." Of course...you know me. All the guys I draw tend to be bishie boys with short hair. LUCKILY!! Kristy's design for Pepsi had blue and red hair with Pepsi contacts.

Basically this character seems to be a wacked out (because of the backwards Pepsi logos ^_^) subiminal advertiser for the wonderous soda that's sponsered by clothes-defying pop star (But I won't name names coughBritneySpearscough*).

Anyway, neither Kristy or I own Pepsi, and I'm sure this character is just a soda-obsessive fanboy (Hey...at least he's cleaner than a Star Wars fanboy. O-o...LOL).

Now, the schematics. I did this two nights ago in 3 hours! (I was quite impressed despite all the faux pas I made while sketching and coloring this thing). Quick sketch in pencil, inked, scanned, and then colored in photoshop using a jean texture for his pants, but the rest is PS and layers. ^~ Kristy was quite happy and then turned me into a character in her webcomic in thanks. The only thing I didn't like is the fact that his 'surfer' sign hand turned out like crap. It looks like he's giving the thumbs down with a random extra finger sticking out. I need to draw the middle finger completely together next time and work on better coloring in general (especially when it comes to shading). But otherwise, I think this is my grade B work that can be done in the shortest amount of time. ^^

I'm all too happy to be grateful. ^_^

Finished Work
22y122d ago
Other Work By @laursefc

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