Melissa Fajardo

Soujiro vs Kenshin
Soujiro vs Kenshin by @melifaja (Melissa Fajardo)

Rurouni Kenshin...in my opinion one of the BEST Anime Series out there and probably my all time favorite. I just realized that I didn't have any fanart of my fave character...which happens to be Soujiro Seta ^_^ I sorta wanted to capture the very moment his emotions begin to resurface.

"A reverse blade sword...protecting the weak? I don't understand it...your wrong...If what you say is true...then why didn't you protect ME!?" - Soujiro talking to Kenshin durin their battle.

I think I quoted that wrong o.O; oh wel ^_^

Finished Work
22y149d ago
Other Work By @melifaja

Comments & Critiques (2)

Preferred comment/critique type for this content: Any Kind

Posted: Tuesday, 05 February, 2002 @ 09:12 PM

the Kenshin vs Soujiro fight was the best fight ever in the anime series...and if Kenshin hadnt broke Soujiro's seal...Soujiro woulda kill Kenshin XD

Posted: Sunday, 17 March, 2002 @ 09:05 AM

A sad seen,but it was for the best of Soujiro,his my fave too!=^-^=!I want too record the figth,but my vhs isn't a good recorder,everything comes blakc and white.sigh Your drawing of of the figth is perfect!=^-^=!

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