Blaze Hedgehog

Blaze In the Rain
Blaze In the Rain by @blazehgehg (Blaze Hedgehog)

This is the result of pure, unbridaled musical inspiration. I came into possetion a song from the game DEVIL MAY CRY, by the name of "Ring the Noise".

I couldn't help it. I suddenly had an overwhelming urge to draw. I put pencil to paper, and it wasn't until 3 hours later that I had this image in my possetion.

I purposely never inked it, nor corrected any basic errors in the image -- I never erased anything when I drew this picture. It was all part of the style I wanted, and the end result I think is pretty slick, if I do say so myself. Artwork © Copyright 2002 Blaze Hedgehog

Teen (V)
Finished Work
22y49d ago
Other Work By @blazehgehg

Comments & Critiques (1)

Preferred comment/critique type for this content: Any Kind

Posted: Tuesday, 07 May, 2002 @ 03:25 AM

Ooo, I like this pic. The sketchyness really sets off the intimidating yet somehow depressive (Dunno if that was what you were going for or not) mood. The expression on his face is very well done, the blood on the sword also is a great touch. The only thing I see is his hips might be a little too shallow, but then again I'm not that good at spotting errors in male anatomy, that plus he's wearing such a long trenchcoat which makes it equally hard to judge.

Oh yes.. and I envy people who can CG sketches. I never could seem to figure out how to do that o@


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