Kvara Klawstorm

Mekoshi's Stats
Mekoshi's Stats by @zankara (Kvara Klawstorm)

Mekoshi (formally known as Zanashi) has gotton a little revampness. So, I desided to give her a lil' stats page... why? No one knows!!! Actally, it was to see if I could do a side and front on view of my yoshi char but.. hehe.. its kinda funny too ^-^.

Mekoshi is a Shark Hybrid yoshi. Named after the Meko shark. Shes actually my oldest character. She was created way befor I even had a scanner... Mekoshi used to be an avrage yoshi... her name was first Zanashi and she was light blue with short rainbow hair. Too many ppl had rainbow hair though and there are WAY to many light blue yoshis out there. So, I gave her spikes! After awhile, I exetended the spikes and tail. Then, her tail just sorta evoloved into a shark one..

But, you know, she's really a "Silver Hedgehog Shark Yoshi". I just relized how much the spikes look like Sonics.... creepy! Artwork © Copyright 2002 Kvara Klawstorm

Finished Work
22y103d ago
Other Work By @zankara

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