@zankara || Profile
Kvara Klawstorm

@zankara (Kvara Klawstorm)
Last Seen:
It's been a while...
26 February, 2002
They / Them / Theirs / Themself
20 December, 1987
zankara turns 37 this year.
Washington, Unspecified
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My name sounds cool, no? Too bad its not my real name! Bwar har! ...ahem...

Request/Trade crud..

I'm currently NOT taking Requests OR Art Trades. I've been over worked and too many people are asking me to draw them picture or help them with crud that I barly have time to draw anyone else pictures. I don't even have time for my OWN characters anymore, let alone yours.

This may change over time, but most likly, not.

Art crud..

Okday... erm.. I've always kinda been
"drawing" but it REALLY kicked off at about the 7th grade. Yah.. I didn't know that you could scan something and color it on the computer, that just blew my mind for some reason. Anywho, I only drew yoshi heads back then cause I basicaly worshiped Luna Yoshi's stuff. I've kinda "moved on" with the yoshi thing cause now I can draw and color better than that...

I draw mostly furry's and creepy stuff with lots of eyes n' teeth. The more teeth the better. I will NEVER draw a human.. ever... ever ever... they are evil. I'm also obessed with Gryphons... some ppl love dogs, some cats, some llamas. With me, its Gryphons.

I draw alla my stuff by hand. I always use the same mechanical pencil and same quil pen for alla my crud now. twitch I got Micron pens now! YAY!! Oh yah, I also use Adobe Photoshop 6.0 for coloring n' stuff. So... um.. yah.

Me crud..

In person I am boring, shy and I don't talk.. inless I know you well. Then I'm weird. Not much diff.

In school I am not seen and not heard... People ingore me and I like it. You see... I'm that shy kid in the corner that never talks and only draws. I don't really have many friends, and I like it like that too. I know just about as many people over the net as I do in real life.. So... yah..

If you ARE actually interested in my life, then go to my Ujournal thingy ma bobber. Not that you'd actually WANT to read up on my sorry life.. but... uh.... If your really that bord.

By the way, Thank you Carcano for making me join Side7 ^-^! I owe you LOT!!!

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