Ayame Suzuki

Dragon eating at a tree
Dragon eating at a tree by @minako134 (Ayame Suzuki)

While I was drawing this, I decided that my dragon was an herbivore, simply because I've never heard of a herbivorous dragon before. ^_^ I also decided they can't fly, but swim underwater instead, kinda like penguins, using their wings as flippers. I made the tail look similar to an underwater mammal's, but in the end, I guess this dragon is amphibious; it's not a mammal. It can live on land or underwater, but it can't climb or fly because of its weight and awkwardly huge hind legs.

Finished Work
22y11d ago
Other Work By @minako134

Comments & Critiques (1)

Preferred comment/critique type for this content: Any Kind

Posted: Tuesday, 25 June, 2002 @ 01:59 AM

Cooote. I like 'im ^_^ Just idle speculation though, if he can't fly, wouldn't his wings be smaller? Or they could be more streamlined to be used as rudders so he can steer himself more easily. I like his tail, it fits very well with him being amphibous and all.


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