Ameigh Haley

Costume Parade;  Outfit one (Kari)
Costume Parade; Outfit one (Kari) by @aymei (Ameigh Haley)

oh, just a rough sketch I made of the costume designs of my characters. (designing is fun) I decided to peice them together cause I was bored (yes they were seperate pictures initially) The whole reason they were drawn in the frist place is because I wanted to show my friend the different designs I had come up with. Now being bored I decided to fiddle around with paint shop and voila! Now before you say it yes it is a cutesy kinda costume though complicated too (and dare you say crap) but I love it cause I made it and lets bear in mind she is 14 and it does suit her character (however this is the only cutesy-cutesy outfit she has, the others are kinda more serious. Oh yeah...she does have wings yeah...didn't you know?...and no they don't disappear they just shrink, they are always perpetually there and though I couldn't get the effect with pencils (woe is me) the wings are transultent (see-through so to say there's reason for that too so don't say impossible told you she was complicated.) I've got other doodles too and yes each is as bad as this but what do you expect...t'was not to have been viewed by anyone anyways in that at least see it as forgivable. ^_^ Artwork © Copyright 2002 Ameigh Haley

Finished Work
22y45d ago
Other Work By @aymei

Comments & Critiques (1)

Preferred comment/critique type for this content: Any Kind

Posted: Tuesday, 21 May, 2002 @ 09:53 AM

Hey thanks for showing and the whole world. I like it a lot, especially the hair and of course the designs you are v imaginative.

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