Jessica Hayes

Modern Jerry and Laso
Modern Jerry and Laso by @jesshaye (Jessica Hayes)

Ah, Jerry and Laso. Jerry Jerry Jerry and Laso. The story behind them goes as thus: Long long ago, about 4 years or so, I was obssessed over Joxer from "Xena," and I was reading a fanfic with Kasey and in it there were two generals with the Greekest names you could ever find: Jerry and Laso. I think Laso died. It was kinda sad. But, anyway, we fell in love with those names.

Awhile later, in an art class, we had to do a comic strip, which is my forté. I created Jerry and Laso, ancient Grecian heroes extrodinare. They got their bums whooped. I got 110% on the assignment, go me.

That was the last thing I ever did with them, though they still have a place in my and Kasey's heart. sniffles

I would scan the comic strip I did, but it was beat up and taking up space 'coz it was on huge paper, so I recycled it. ^^;; Oh well. Artwork © Copyright 2002 Jessica Hayes

22y13d ago
Other Work By @jesshaye

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