Jessica Hayes

Bad guys, yuss
Bad guys, yuss by @jesshaye (Jessica Hayes)

This is an idea I had been toying with for a long while, and I finally got around to drawing people for it. Uh, they are bad guys and they do things that are bad.

But basically it's a parody on mostly fangirls, thos some stories do have these elements: Pretty boy bad guys who have fun pashing because since they're both pretty, they obviously are meant 2 B 4EVA.

They have no names yet, so describing this will be difficult. Uh, the boy on the ground is your usual hyperactive, cute and loveable character, who is in the bad guys institution 'coz he likes blood a little too much to be on the good guy side. He really doesn't care either way.

Above him, the melancholy boy, is your usual pretty, femmy boy who is avenging something from his past but he's all mysterious about it and stuff, but it probably has to do with his sister being killed, or a dead lover or something silly.

To the right, is a girl with a broken arm. (I shouldn't draw late at night, I break people's bones.) She also has Sailor Moon hair. I don't know why. Anyway, she's the mysterious, sexy raunch that always tries to seduce someone somewhere in order to gain LOADS OF POWER. She probably broke her nail in the past which led her to being a bad guy.

On the other side his a pretty boy, but he's the more manly one. He likes to blow things up. If I didn't have dignity, he would be doing Matrix moves. He has silly hair.

And in the background, waving at them all to pay attention to him, is the ringleader. He looks like Dr. Robotnik/Eggman 'coz that inspired a lot of this. XD;; Plus, how can you go wrong with a red coat with massive buttons, may I ask? He's your basic mad scientist, wants to conquer the wrold, gets foiled by the bad guys, yells a lot, you know the type. He's the only one out of the group that isn't looking to seduce anyone.

Now the clincher is that, as many of my friends know, I hate it when people are incredibly cruel about "ugly" characters, so the prettiest boy on here, the sad one, has the boss as the object of his affection. Awww. Everyone else wants him though. (Well, the hyperactive boy doesn't really care . . .)

Uh, the end.

PS: I"M SOOOO CLEVAR!! LOL!!!! Artwork © Copyright 2002 Jessica Hayes

Teen (D)
Rough / Concept
21y339d ago
Other Work By @jesshaye

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