Harrison MacDonald

The Awakening
The Awakening by @Mangaboo (Harrison MacDonald)

This is a character I thought up a while ago; she’s a twisted representation of the Queen Of Spades. In the picture she's emerging from a pitcher plant and entering Wonderland for the first time. The thought process that put her in a pitcher plant is this: Spade=Gardening tool=garden=carnivorous plants. The result being what you see before you. Enjoy (excuse my poor scanner quality ruins the picture a bit)

Teen (N)
21y97d ago
Other Work By @Mangaboo

Comments & Critiques (2)

Preferred comment/critique type for this content: Any Kind

Posted: Sunday, 27 April, 2003 @ 01:57 PM

wonderful art, really original, your creativity is wicked! a very interesting chain of thoughts to obtain this result, indeed... I've been following you guys at the Alice's Asylum RPG for almost 2 months now, but I'm too shy to join... anyway, I'm really impatient to the see the beginning of it all, and your wonderful art makes the waiting easier! keep it up! ^^

Posted: Tuesday, 21 October, 2003 @ 09:35 AM

Great! It's got a lovely shape to it and the pencil work is nicely toned...

cool cool


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