Krillins search for cheese ( part 1 of 2) by @Axenblade (Laguna Barr)
LLAL!! This is my dumb little comic which i created when I was 11... it's been 4 years running. Most of Krillins adventures are on A3 paper, but for side & personally, i thought i'd draw some on A4 paper.... basically what happened is Tien was forced to go with Krillin so he didn't get him self killed while looking for his cheese, While Volt was also sent to find Krillin and accompany him. In a jungle next to a big temple they met Jizuu jones, intrepid explorer and 3 times winner of the pomegranite posing competition. That's basically it... now enjoy the comic ^^
Artwork © Copyright 2003 Laguna Barr
:: LLAMM:: this is awesome bud!! hehe and I love how you drew all of their expressions..hehee awesome comic bud!! ^_^.