I keep saying no more comics and then betraying my own word! =D;
This is based off a sketch that Bast gave me last week while we were talking in IM. I'd made her listen to Steeleye Span's rendition of the "Tam Lin Reel" while she was in NJ and she asked me to send her my file of it, so I did, but then I put it on for my own listening pleasure and...well, this song is the best Zimfiddle song I've encountered to date, and there was that whole police hat-wearing business earlier, so..."No no no Zim don't play it wearing the hat! ...mwaaaah..." And Bast drew me sketch of Zimmish playing the fiddle in his hat and gnawing on a candy cane (which fuels his evil >]), and...it SPAWNED A COMIC IN MY HEAD. So...yeah, thanks for the inspiration, Bast. u.u;;
I dunno why I picked my otherself RK to be the one representing the general disgust among my headchildren for my fangirly--and somewhat salacious--behavior with my husband of late...probably because she's my twin and therefore it makes a better composition for the part of us standing and staring. =B It's funny how her different, longer hairstyle really makes her face look different than mine even though we have all the same features. It's still obvious she's me, though. RK I think is jealous and wishes her husband would try to seduce her sometime. 9.9 Heyyyy, notice how she has a wedding ring now? ^-^ I enjoy details.
...except when they're the details of Sang av Ære that make it an absolute b*&$% to draw and color. You couldn't have just a normal everyday violin, could you, Zim? No no no, it had to be a custom hardingfele with carvings all up and down it. e.e; At least I only bothered to get the letter carvings around the top correct on the biggest rendition.
In other news, I really really really like the kneeling down Zim a LOT. Hesosezzah. And so is "Tam Lin." o.@ At least, the Steeleye Span version...I've heard at least one other version given to me by Lynne but it was faster and not as wicked EVIL sounding so it wasn't quite as cool. 9.9 The Span version is the definitive "this is what true Zimfiddle sounds like" song. ...even though it's not hardanger fiddle and hardanger fiddle is cooler because it has harmony with itself and drones. @.@ But you have to take what you can get, I guess.
...what I get is Zim. ^.~ Three times a week, Bast, three times a week.
EEEE! MAKE THE FIDDLE SCREAM ZIM! X'D!!! OMG I had to put on the song when I saw this. THIS IS AWESOME! RK looks so POed. X'D! You're all adorable! ^.^ cuddles all! NICE! 8D