Jimi Newman

Thanks for my 'Li'l sis.' ^_^
Thanks for my 'Li'l sis.' ^_^ by @jiminewman (Jimi Newman)

Months back i was having a pretty bad time of things due to various problems, the main one being my relationship of the time. I really needed soemone to talk to, and had no-one RL that i felt i could really go to, and so i turned to Scribbles, one of the very best friends ive ever had. She listened and we talked and she made me feel TONS better. ^_^ She's always been able to do that, no matter how terrible i feel, she can always make me feel great, or at least make me laugh.

Anyhow, the day after we had a talk about some stuph, she was goin to Disneyland, and i wanted to say thanks.. and so drew this quickly for her before she left. Luckily i caught her before she had to go and got to give it to her. ^_^

in short? Great friends are hard to come by.. real, true friends are even harder. When you find one, and they do something for you, like being there for you when you feel you need a real friend most, make sure they know you appreciate it.

Finished Work
22y272d ago
Other Work By @jiminewman

Comments & Critiques (1)

Preferred comment/critique type for this content: Any Kind

Posted: Wednesday, 31 October, 2001 @ 07:29 PM

WOW!You're such a cooool artist Jimi! I love all you art!!Scribblz is soooooo cute!

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