Lilleah Aawest

Mononoke Baby
Mononoke Baby by @westlilleah (Lilleah Aawest)

Note to fans: this is a drawing that goes along with my idea for a sequel to Princess Mononoke (which no good sequel could ever be made for such an already perfect movie, but this is still an idea of what could have become of San after the end of the movie)

It has been over a year since the death of the forest spirit and the day that San and Ashitaka went their seperate ways. San could not forgive the humans for all that they had done, but Ashitaka could not stay with her in the forest as he promised to help rebuild iron town. for the first 2 months Ashitaka came to visit her in the forest quite often, but then the difficult rebuild of iron town began and San has not seen him for over a year, she fully understands why, he is needed by them, to rebuild such a place is difficult and finding a less destructive way to dig for iron is even harder, but does she ever have a surprise for him when he returns! ! ! she has kept it a secret from him as she was not showing her pregnancy during those first 2 months. She is content raising their son on her own for now as she can raise him just as how she was raised by Moro. Ashitaka is sure to return to her soon as it is now spring and the wolf cubs have informed her that iron town is almost fully built. soon Ashitaka will return to her side, she looks down at her son quite pleased, with iron town rebuilt she and Ashitaka can raise little Akoto together....

please comment on this picture, let me know what you thought about it, what you viewers have to say really matter to me.

Finished Work
20y161d ago
Other Work By @westlilleah

Comments & Critiques (2)

Preferred comment/critique type for this content: Any Kind

Posted: Thursday, 22 January, 2004 @ 09:01 PM

how cute. your amazing. :)

Posted: Saturday, 24 January, 2004 @ 07:18 PM

thank you, you were my very first commentor here on side 7 : )

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