Zaid Vulpes

Balto, the Green-tipped Bobcat
Balto, the Green-tipped Bobcat by @Bloodxof (Zaid Vulpes)

'Nuther image...

This guy was a total blast to draw. His whiskers, belt, coat, and cane was more fun than a mad rat in a microwave.

Who is this dude? Well, he's green, clean, exotic, and searves as Mr. Charles's assistant in his down time. His accent is thick and his personality is smug, but all the chicks dig 'im.

"Count the mistakes! Ready? One, two, three, four, five..."

Yeah. So I did this in an advanced stage of a sugar coma... I wanted it done well, yet I lacked the patience to do it. So... Forgive the semi-crappy quality.

Sketched then inked with Micron .005, then scanned and colored in da Pho-shop.

17y272d ago
Other Work By @Bloodxof

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