@Bloodxof || Profile
Zaid Vulpes

@Bloodxof (Zaid Vulpes)
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It's been a while...
23 September, 2006
They / Them / Theirs / Themself
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I'm Zaid. ... Nice to meet you.

Before I start telling you things, I should tell you things about myself.

First: Words don't describe me, er... Rather, words shouldn't describe me. My personality(ies) is somewhat insane while on the flip-side, I'm totally and completely artistically insane. If you want to go the simple path, my personality is like my hair; wildly curly yet retains the ability to run your hands through it.

Second: I'm your best friend. I may be a tad nutty, but don't let that scare you. I'll be as nice as possible (especially if you want to buy my art.)

Before I go any further, let me apologize. I may be crazy but among the many voices in my head, there's that one idiot that tells me to do stupid things like leave intensely bad comments or mock the size of your mother's hair-do. (He also tells me to buy Time-shares...) So, basically, ignore the crazy while he's being an idiot.

Now that that's out of the way...

Hi! ... Again.

... Look at me! I do arty things! YAY!

Can you do commissions for me? YES!

Can I buy your art? YES!

Can we do a collaboration? YES!

Are you a Furry? Y-- NO!

Just leave me a PM or an E-mail telling me what you want and I'll get back to you ASAP!

... My grammar skills are lacking and my art skills are whacking.

As for future goals, I someday hope to become a well-paid artist and I plan on saving the world before bedtime.

That's all, folks...

~Zaid Vulpes

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