Roisin Marsh

Nameless Anthro Umbreon
Nameless Anthro Umbreon by @Foxxie_Angel (Roisin Marsh)

character for Zonea Askavi not too sure of her name I hope this is ok according to my friend it has a bit if a dark card thing going on maybe its because of the dress it is quite simalar oh well I fopes ya like it BG done in bryce ^_^ YAY

Artwork © Copyright 2002 Roisin Marsh

Finished Work
21y296d ago
Other Work By @Foxxie_Angel

Comments & Critiques (2)

Preferred comment/critique type for this content: Any Kind

Posted: Sunday, 08 September, 2002 @ 06:20 PM

WOW! YOUR ALIIIIIIIIVE! lol, sorry, where have you been? ..... Holey shit.... th-thats the Umbreon you made??? wow.... she's... wonderful.... (her name is Vachii, btw. in english its Varah, as in Sarah. she doesn't care whether you call her Varah or Vachii, but anything else will not be tollerated....) wow, thank you SOOOO MUCH!!! I LOVE IT!!! huggles!!! wow... its so perfect.... I love how her hands are, and her mouth, and that neckless, and the kewel things at the end of her sleeves, and, and her HAIR!!! and.... trembles that... tail..... of all the tails you have done, this is the bestest ever!!! I LOVE YOUR TAILS!!! THANKYOU SOOOOOO MUCH! and i simply adore that outfit, specaly(how the hell do you spell that word!?!?!?!?!?) the grey shoulder things and the looong wrist sleeve... wowy!! and great bg too! this is wonderful! i love every bit of it!! oh, and no my account isnt up yet... Sigh. I'm just gonna make another one.

Posted: Monday, 09 September, 2002 @ 02:35 PM

wow.... come to think of it, this is VERY accurate!!! the only thing different(sorry i forgot to mention it to you before you started drawing) is the rings on her body(exept her fore-head) are wavey and come to a point at their ends and her bangs are a maroonish color. BUT DAMN PERFECT besides that!!! WOOOWY YOU ARE GOOD! are you sure you arent psycic? Vachii: -_-' "Arigato-gozaimasu. .... Onegai-shimasu gomen nasai....bows to you then punches me off my feet and walks away. Me: owy oh, yeah... She only speaks Japanese(and another secret language XD) and she is learning English, but isn't very good.... and she desn't like it when I get hyper...ouch.... neither do I actually, so I'm gonna stop now. THANKIES THOUGH!! gets hit by Vachii again

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