Li Chi Son

"This planet needs...more evil...." by @Li_Chi (Li Chi Son)

WAHHHHHHH!!!!! XD, I'm soooooo happy!!!!

I've finally gotten Dark Master's clothing down!!! And man does he look good in it too X3.

I really have to explain what's going on. In his left hand is a planet and a scale. Right hand is BLACK blood (can't see it too well -_-;).

The feather on the scale comes from the ideas from Egypt, the feather of truth

Egyptian story: When someone dies, they have to go see Osiris where their hearts are weighted on a scale. On the other side is the feather of truth. Anyhoo, If your heart is lighter than the feather, then you were honest and can live a happy afterlife. If it weights more (aka, you were dishonest) your heart would be fed to the devourer and you would cease to exist.

Ok! Enough of that, back to the picture *at least you learned something new, or relearning it again :P) The feather is the "feather of good" which represents the goodness of the planet it's Great Mother's feather ^o^.

On the other side of the scale is the black blood which represents evilness (-_-, I know...very corny but I couldn't figure any other way to represent evil).

Dark Master (aka DM) controls how much evil needs to be added/subtracted to the planet to balance the good in that planet.

pants too much info. There! I shoved it all in! And I'm happy!

Ok, now about the drawing from my perspective. Head looks a bit small for the body....dunno why. HANDS WERE A BIG AND MASSIVE PAIN TO DRAW!!! But it looks really good! XD, so happy! The pattern at the bottom of his ... pant-thingie looks too flat and not curved to the fabric -_-. But it's really nice and took a long time to draw.

Hey Ju-chan. Drew the body in pencil again.....-_-, bah! But I need to change how I draw the body again so....maybe I have an excuse now and maybe later I won't use pencil when I get a bit better.

Too long, hope you all enjoy!

Artwork © Copyright 2002 Li Chi Son

Finished Work
21y351d ago
Other Work By @Li_Chi

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