Li Chi Son

Small version of hell cat Hades in his demon form  (need bucket again :P)
Small version of hell cat Hades in his demon form (need bucket again :P) by @Li_Chi (Li Chi Son)

It's almost done. Gonna be the first COLOURED pic for my new layout (that still needs the kinks worked out).

Hades in his earthbound form

It's the NEW version of Hades!!!! I hated the old version --; too....eugh! Simple and he just looked too happy, next to the point that he still needed a background to him. But he does now and his looks changed dramatically.

sigh school is approaching soon and I really should get it done but I just need to add something to him before I'm done.

I did the pose originally in pen but screwed over so I redid the pic with the body in pencil and I find it turned out really well. Hands were a pain, side profile face was a pain, dangling sleeves were a pain but the turn out just wipes the pains away! ^_^

Just need to draw flames surrounding his hands and it's done ((flaming hands?!?! what is she talking about? :P))

You'll see soon enough. I haven't decided how to draw fire yet. I'm very indecisive on the concept of drawing flames.


Artwork © Copyright 2002 Li Chi Son

21y345d ago
Other Work By @Li_Chi

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