Byanca B.

TLK animation ^_^
TLK animation ^_^ by @Bybi (Byanca B.)

Yup. She's saying:'HEY!What are yooou doing tonight?' I really like how the first part came out(from the biginning to the 'yooou' but after it goes..bleh..>.< all choppy and stuff... The body movement is also wrong ^^;

Rough / Concept
21y305d ago
Other Work By @Bybi

Comments & Critiques (1)

Preferred comment/critique type for this content: Any Kind

Posted: Saturday, 24 August, 2002 @ 04:18 PM

I LOVE this piece 0_0 I would never have the patience for 42 frames lol I agree that the movement (especially of her floppy-hair-thing, WEE!) is very nice up too the "yoooou" part..

I'd personally make the "yoooou" a few frames longer and kinda make her head jut out when she says it (try saying it yourself, you'll probably see what I mean ^_^;)

Also her eyes are kinda inconsistent from frame to frame, in some they look rather masculine and others the normal flirty-female-Majanga-ish look.

I love the frame when her mouth's open and she's looking down, you should really color that one (or just one of them) to use.. somewhere.. lol Each frame of this is a masterpiece!


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