I've been wanting to comment for a while, finally got around to it now...
Just gotta say, this has got to be one of the best fan-made comic-format strips the Zim fandom's got. You mentioned you didn't want grammar comments, but I think for anyone to flame grammar would be completely missing the point of it all.
You've GOT the yeah-it's-sick-but-funny-as-[title]-anyhow sense of humor down, and you've got it perfect.
Also nice to see the experimentation with full-page comic formats, something also not seen too often around the fandom community. The subject matter may not be in the same age-target group as Nick intended, but, well, who cares what they think? I think the comic is all the funnier for it. It seems to fit better, like a comfy old coat that's been kept away from somebody on the grounds that it's meant only for their parents...
Gah. Man, am I yammering by now. My pardons. o_O But ah yes, to sum up-- I LOVE THIS COMIC.
Couple other things, before I depart: I loved the idea of the fannon-born Horny Dib appearing to Zim a'la an ultimate nightmare scenario. (Having Dib's glasses show nothing but a blank reflection was a fantastic touch, by the way. Tres creepy!) The more I think of it, though, the more it makes sense: the possibility of hell BEING, for Zim, coming face to face with overblown dopplegangers of what the fanbase has remolded the canon characters into. Does this mean we might see a Gaz-dopple who tosses her GameSlave2 to the filthy ground upon her first appearance, screams that she's been blind to what she REALLY wants all this time, and either lunges for Zim or slits her wrists as piped-in angsty music somehow can be heard in the background...? [laughs]
I was also wondering how many pages of this you plan to draw. In any case, it remains your comic-- I shan't be egotistic and try to suggest anything, because you seem to be doing a d*mn fine job of this on your own. [grin]
Best of luck-- I'll certainly be looking forward to how this plays out. [sets popcorn down on the computer desk in preparation for the next installment]
OOooOO i love this comic!