Kat Dugas

I'm Sailing Away...
I'm Sailing Away... by @katduga (Kat Dugas)

It's a song by Styx, yes. And I was listening to it a lot today. Meef.

Anyhow, this is Nick when he's a bit older than ten...I dunno, like 8 years older? shrugs Anyhow, when I was coloring this picture, I was thinking about this Zelda story idea I had all day today (right in the middle of class ^_^)...Well, now it's gonna have to become a full-blown story 'cause I've thought about it so much...

All I'm gonna say for the moment is that it's name is probably going to be 'The Destiny Stone.' Or 'The Stone of Destiny,' I haven't figured out which sounds better yet. head caves in Must do chemistry work... Artwork © Copyright 2002 Kat Dugas

Finished Work
21y228d ago
Other Work By @katduga

Comments & Critiques (2)

Preferred comment/critique type for this content: Any Kind

Posted: Thursday, 24 October, 2002 @ 06:04 PM
Nick: O_o... er.... n'er gah't tha' a't'on ou'a 'er! I li'! ^_^
Sond: Sits and watches Anthony battle against Yuffie and Leon...O_o...*Dude... Nick's cute.... really cute... like hunk cute...*rambles aimlessly for about an hour....* Man.....He's like HOT! (translation- I'll talk to you after your dinner! Bye!)
Sondilyn OH the GOD Canadian HE'S Deku REALLY Scrub HOT Lumberjack ! ^O^
Posted: Thursday, 24 October, 2002 @ 07:52 PM

OMIGOSH its sooo cool! Hes really cute (both ways)! Oooh lala ^_^


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