Oh don't listen to that other guy! This is AMAZING!!! An incredible piece of artwork not to be paralleled! You really captured the desperation of Helm's Deep and I commend you on this. GREAT job!
Fight at Helm's Deep by @paco (Paco .)
On this image you can see Aragorn (left), Gimli, Eomer (right) and Legolas the elf (standing on the wall) fighting at Helm's Deep. The original file is much larger and of higher quality but Side7 couldn't accept that one.
Comments & Critiques (4)
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Posted: Sunday, 19 January, 2003 @ 03:12 AM
Why do I have the feeling someone is gonna slip in a banana peel soon? Granted, its a REALLY cool pic, but I keep gettin' this image of someone slipping, causing domino-effect. But Paco, don't misunderstand me. I LUUUUUUUV this pic as I love LOTR!! PRAISE THE RINGS! WHOOOOO
A very good effort, I like the colour that you have chosen, but I don't like the archer standing on the wall, he should be behind it.