Roisin Marsh

Liberty Sweet Liberty
Liberty Sweet Liberty by @Foxxie_Angel (Roisin Marsh)

What can I say??? its how he has been to me I feel maybe I was trying to keep him captive Why do I always have to suffer I wish he really would do this but I feel he wouldnt be so upset if he did I cant stand it this week has been the worst ever wish I could just get rid of the people who upset me

Im babbling Im sorry I am just depressed

Teen (V)
Finished Work
22y168d ago
Other Work By @Foxxie_Angel

Comments & Critiques (1)

Preferred comment/critique type for this content: Any Kind

Posted: Saturday, 29 June, 2002 @ 01:44 AM

wow, its been a while sence i came to side 7, but i just found this pic... how sad...im depressed alot too...sigh... nice tails, and sabre's pose is cute... but why do you keep drawing Sabre killing Zoe? i thought they were b/f and g/f....

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