Jessica Padkin

Nack the Weasel!
Nack the Weasel! by @jesspadk (Jessica Padkin)

It's Nack the Weasel! Or Fang, if you like, but I have to admit I prefer the name 'Nack'. It's less obvious, for a start.

I'm actually quite pleased with how this came out. I'm surprised I haven't drawn Nack before; I like his design! I drew his shoes (and gloves, I think) wrong, though. Oh well. Oh, and Nackiepoos is from Sonic the Hedgehog, in case you're not a fan or something.

Artwork © Copyright 2002 Jessica Padkin

Finished Work
22y65d ago
Other Work By @jesspadk

Comments & Critiques (4)

Preferred comment/critique type for this content: Any Kind

Posted: Thursday, 04 April, 2002 @ 02:03 AM

Yeah, I noticed the boots seemed a bit off, but you know what? It still doesn't change the fact that this is the best Nack picture I've ever seen! Thanks for drawing it. As a Nack fan it always disappoints me how under represented he is ;p

Posted: Wednesday, 23 October, 2002 @ 03:33 AM

Yay! Nack!! ^^ huggles! This is a terrific piece of artwork!! :^) You draw him so well!!! ^_^

Posted: Tuesday, 13 May, 2003 @ 06:36 PM

Eeeff! It's mah Weasel-y love! Nack rules, and this is definately one of the top 5 best drawings of him I've ever seen before.

Posted: Friday, 09 June, 2006 @ 02:25 PM

EEEE, he's so cute! (For a weasle that is) Awesome pic of him! First time!? Wow, can't even tell! XD

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