Tara Reynolds

Goodbye..... by @tarareyn (Tara Reynolds)

..heh I don't really think this pic is all too good..but my buds at school begged me to put it up..so I did..I don't like it cause I rushed the coloring..and Lystra's angle ish all wrong..oo well ><

Anyways tis Lystra saying goodbye to the spirit of her mother (a 9 tailed silver Kitsune..though it's a bit hard to tell) who's name ish Thera, which is the Greek word for "wild". Tis a sad piccy...sniffle

Finished Work
22y138d ago
Other Work By @tarareyn

Comments & Critiques (3)

Preferred comment/critique type for this content: Any Kind

Posted: Tuesday, 19 February, 2002 @ 06:24 PM

I LOVE THIS PIC!!! Ooo, it's so nicely done and so full of emotion... and stuff. Stop being so hard on yourself saying you're a bad artist. You have a lot of talent! I wuv dis piccy! Steals the pic and runs off

Posted: Tuesday, 19 February, 2002 @ 09:37 PM


Posted: Wednesday, 20 February, 2002 @ 08:01 AM

awww its so cute! the mother one is a bit confusing...i keep staring at it...trying to make sence of it blinks anyway its really good!!! hugs tara your a great artist!! ehehe

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