JC Robinson

Let's all Chip in and Buy JC a Ruler!
Let's all Chip in and Buy JC a Ruler! by @Narcotics (JC Robinson)

Yes...I should use one...as is evident in this picture. I like this though! Erg looks just the way I wanted her to. She looks like she's telling an amusing story. Well at least Sarch thinks so.

This isn't a testiment to anything thats going to happen in the fic but who knows! Maybe I WILL put something in like this. Eh. This pic was more me playing around with styles then anything else. I've skipped from making their "pupils" pure white to making them a lighter shade of their original color. I think it looks better. Except for Skirp. Don't his eyes look kick @$$?! Bast taught me how to make them look like jewels! WOO!

Oh and for those who don't know my characters: Erg is farthest left (the female with the big head), Sarch is next to her, the black-eyed guy is Lyrt, next to him is Wuffy (Lookit him eat!), and Skirp is the red-eye on the end. HOOHA! Artwork © Copyright 2002 JC Robinson

Finished Work
22y30d ago
Other Work By @Narcotics

Comments & Critiques (1)

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Posted: Thursday, 06 June, 2002 @ 03:47 PM

Wuffy...must...snuggle! Oh, he's so cuuute? Hey, did him and Erg always have such big heads?

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