Jessica Hawks

by @ginasadiren (Jessica Hawks)

This is a picture based from the role plays my friend Jessica and I have done. It features, Tai, Matt, and Ken from the original show. The three female heroine's in the rp, Miki, Sadine, and Lichi, and their digimon partners, Flaramon (Miki), Chaomon, (Sadine), and Vixymon (Lichi) and two new characters named Tenshi, and Koutaishi. Tenshi is the dark angel above Tai, and Koutaishi is the dark angel above Ken and Matt. yes that is suppose to be wings behind them It's kind of confusing to go into their story and their key role in the role play, and why they look exactly like Tai and Matt. I'll explain about that in another picture. The girl in the middle is Sadine, in her Princess style. (see the character description on my website for her profile)

Fan art from: Digimon (style of characters in the second season)

Finished Work
22y63d ago
Other Work By @ginasadiren

Comments & Critiques (4)

Preferred comment/critique type for this content: Any Kind

Posted: Thursday, 11 April, 2002 @ 08:30 PM

It is a pritty pic!

Posted: Friday, 12 April, 2002 @ 05:22 AM

thank you for commenting on my picture I'm glad you think its pretty =)

Posted: Sunday, 09 June, 2002 @ 06:51 PM

AWESOME! Love the angles! They look kinda like Tai and Matt though. Hehehe My friend would really appreciate an angle Matt. You have a great talent. Keep it up.

Posted: Monday, 10 June, 2002 @ 12:27 AM

thanks, I'm glad you like the picture ^_^, yeah I know the two of them look like Tai and Matt, I gues their really suppose to cause their like their dopplegangers or something

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