E. Davis

Perfection Through Silence
Perfection Through Silence by @EDavis (E. Davis)

S'posed to be image one in a series of horse characters. But PSP 8 decided it didn't like to keep line quality while shrinking. So now, the quality sucks. I actually had to zoom out, screen shot this, and paste it into MS Paint. So upset... it was a great image too and I wanted to do more with it... wasted two whole nights on it too.

Sorry it turned out so bad and that I'm killing your eyes with it. I won't even bother putting this up on my VCL archive.

Image is mine.

Finished Work
21y79d ago
Other Work By @EDavis

Comments & Critiques (2)

Preferred comment/critique type for this content: Any Kind

Posted: Monday, 22 September, 2003 @ 11:40 PM

Killing are eyes, yes, with your AMAZING SKILLS E__E I can't draw horses half this good, I think, so stop beatin' yerself up xP If you think this is bad, I sure as heck wanna see your horses when you think they're awesome...

Posted: Tuesday, 23 September, 2003 @ 02:26 AM

Well, I don't know how it looked before shrinking, but this certainly looks nice. The muscles are very well rendered, realistic but in a cartoony style. Very cool. A background would do this picture well.

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