Haley Brown

Mana-chan.. in  a sunny forest? ^^.;
Mana-chan.. in a sunny forest? ^^.; by @NK (Haley Brown)

Why did my scanner think this was a b/w drawing? ^^.;; O well, anyway.. I was really thinking I didn't like my old style of coloring hair much... So I started messing around & this happened. ^^.; I think it's pretty cool! Should I keep doing it? I'm also proud of the bg grins it's not often they turn out how I want 'em. O, & just so you know, this is Mana-chan from our (NDPcomics.com) Goldilocks spoof. (which will be out... when I decide to get my fat butt in gear, & then some...;;;;;;; It features three lovely babes instead of three stinky old bears ^~.) I'm sorry it's small.. (did I make the one of Baba-chan small? Hm..) but we want people to buy the posters. ^-^.;; Go to the site some time, check it out ^~.

Finished Work
21y23d ago
Other Work By @NK

Comments & Critiques (3)

Preferred comment/critique type for this content: Any Kind

Posted: Saturday, 17 May, 2003 @ 11:59 AM

WOW! This is lovely. I do like the hair coloring, very liquid looking! I love the posture to!! SHEXY!! haha. Very nice yes yes, i will stop now!

Posted: Saturday, 17 May, 2003 @ 01:10 PM

Wow this is awesome!! the colouring, the pose, everything! ^_^ great piccy!

Posted: Saturday, 17 May, 2003 @ 01:12 PM

CRIKEY!!!! What medium did you use to colour this with?? It's like... SO PERFECT!!! I love it! She reminds me of a flower, the way her hair is and the colours too hee hee :D Very pretty, I love it :)

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