Aww, it be Dibby! It's so cute! Good job!
Collage Page 1 by @kidkourage (KidK Mirai)
The top left corner page of the aforementioned big huge poster project! ^.^; This thing is made of 9 sheets of typing paper, each 'laminated' with Con-tac paper and then all taped together and stuck to a piece of posterboard to give the thing some more durability. 9.6 The actual piecing together was done by my mother, who rocks when it comes to craft-ish household stuff. Thank you, Mommy! =D
The whole work is a collage type of a thing, with people from a bunch of my favorite anime and my mostly Jhonen-inspired headvoice posse of horror. ^-^ This page has Sakura at top left; Washu (who looks like she's pointing her finger out of the paper o.o;;) in the jagged yellow border; Gary 'Blue' Oak with his Pokémon in the green background; Sailor Pluto looking all distant at bottom left, and my Dib wearing his--new and improved--ghost capture unit version 2.0 and being silently fought over by his 'fan club': my cocker spaniel, Sammi, and his parakeet, Cobalt, in the bottom right corner. ^.^
Be prepared! The other 7 pages cometh! Muhahahahaaaaaaaa!
oh wow. i think the best drawing on here has to be sakura. how did you manage all those little hair strands?! and washu looks like she came directly out of a comic book. or a manga (but then it'd have to be black and white) pokes sammi hi!! so kawaii. i love it