Gnat Andros

Wind dragon - Purity
Wind dragon - Purity by @gnatandr (Gnat Andros)

Those borne under the wind spirit are usually very kind hearted and sensitive to others more so then themselves. They lack physical strength, but make up for it with mental strength and kindness. The spirit of wind was created out of the sorrow of an angel, who one day looked down from the heavens and saw the horrid Sins of Toro. As a last resort, she sent the wind spirit to guard the currents of the sky, and prevent the evils of sin from traveling through them.

I like this dragon also, it's all fuzzy and fairy - like. n_n; When I started coloring the picture I originally just wanted it an all purple dragon..then I accidentally began shading with my light blue pencil. x_X; So, to fix it, I just made it one half purple and one half blue. It was a good mistake, it came out much better than I wanted it to be.

I forgot to mention, each dragon is protected by a guardian born under its Horoscope sign. They wear the necklaces that hold the jems that protect the powerful spirirts, and are able to use the element to fight off evil. Artwork © Copyright 2002 Gnat Andros

Finished Work
21y359d ago
Other Work By @gnatandr

Comments & Critiques (1)

Preferred comment/critique type for this content: Any Kind

Posted: Friday, 28 June, 2002 @ 04:22 PM

Is this a storyline you made up? It's very unique! I wouldn't have been able to tell you made a mistake with the color if you hadn't mentioned it. I think it looks just fine like that, but if you want to do another version in all purple, I would look at that, too!

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