Laguna Barr

Rest in Peace my little kitty....
Rest in Peace my little kitty.... by @Axenblade (Laguna Barr)

My Cat Luther was hit by a car sometime this morning, and I found him dead on the path on my way to school. I just hope that he died in peace.... even if he was run over by a car. Artwork © Copyright 2003 Laguna Barr

21y286d ago
Other Work By @Axenblade

Comments & Critiques (2)

Preferred comment/critique type for this content: Any Kind

Posted: Monday, 24 February, 2003 @ 01:35 PM

Awww, I'm so sorry to hear about that! I've lost a pet too, and I know it's very hard! But just remember he's in a much better place now.

~Sora~ www.side7.com/art/soras/

Posted: Saturday, 01 March, 2003 @ 12:37 AM

Aw, that's so sad! At least ur taking it well. I've lost many pets too, so ur not alone, remember if you ever need someone to talk to ur friends will always be there, and in this case, I will be on MSN considering we live on opposite sides of the worlds, where our toilets flush opposite ways... -.-

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