Samantha Nowinski

Peacemakers -
Peacemakers - "Before This" by @KarmaSlave (Samantha Nowinski)

If you've read my story "Before This" on FanFiction.net, you'll probably know what this picture is about. These are the Irken peacemakers in my story, back in the civil war between the Irken peacemakers and the death Irkens.

I'll start with the Irken girl at the very far right. She's Mae, my character Kei's mother. Next to her is the Irken engineer Pete (he's slightly shorter than the other peacemakers next to his wife, Marc, who's hanging on his arm). Little Ric is hanging off of Pete's leg (he's his father). Next to Pete is soldier Neiken, Mae's soon-to-be husband and the father of Kei, who seems to be nervous standing next to his carefree friend. Next to Neiken is Tar (Meg's father), and next to him is Pyre holding Far--Meg's mother. lol--yup. Love triangles are horrible, eh? Well, next to Pyre is the Irken Peacemaker Captain. Next to the old man is his granddaughter, Rael, with her best friend Aki by her side (she's slightly taller than Pete). And, last but not least, is Zale--staring at Rael with hearts in his eyes. He's crazy for Rael, and he absolutely HATES Cal (you'll see why..).

Well, there ya go! I'll get the death Irkens up in a bit. Artwork © Copyright 2002 Samantha Nowinski

Rough / Concept
21y282d ago
Other Work By @KarmaSlave

Comments & Critiques (1)

Preferred comment/critique type for this content: Any Kind

Posted: Monday, 23 September, 2002 @ 09:11 PM

O_O Wow... that's a lot of Irkens. And they look cool! God, that must've taken a lot of time to draw. I'm impatient so I couldn't do something like that, lol. Nice job Sam =)

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