Krystina Haggerty

Tai Kitty
Tai Kitty by @tigrin (Krystina Haggerty)

Drew this last night at my dad's. I didn't have anything to color it with, so it's in B+W. Though his real kitty colors is all black (including his eyes) and his hair and tail-tuft are dark brown. Anyways, I was just bored and thought I'd do a kitty version of my character, Tai, from my fanfiction "Amount to Nothing". Tai is a character I've had a long long time... if you haven't guessed, I sort of named him originally after Digimon Tai, though I only watched three episodes of Digimon, and that was ages and ages and ages ago. I wrote the original "Amount to Nothing" Oct. 2000, and I have lately taken up rewriting the story into a sort of "mini-novel" rather than a short story. It's a Titan AE fanfiction basically centered around this 14-year-old kid named Tai (Taylor Noire is his full name) who is kidnapped and sold into slavery. Angsty, 'cause I love writing angsty stories. Kitty version was inspired mostly by his last name... Noire I stumbled on while fiddling with the dictionary (Tai's original last name was Shockou.. very Pokemon inspired, I didn't like it) and came across the word "bĂȘte noire" which is french for "black beast". The dictionary defined it as something that is strongly detested or avoided. I thought this name would fit Tai perfectly, so that's why his last name is Noire. ^^; I like the expression in this picture... Tai Kitty looks something like a bishie, though. o.O; Artwork © Copyright 2002 Krystina Haggerty

Finished Work
22y64d ago
Other Work By @tigrin

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