Krystina Haggerty

One Last Breath
One Last Breath by @tigrin (Krystina Haggerty)

"Hold me now | I'm six feet from the edge and I'm thinking | Maybe six feet ain't so far down.."

CGed sketch all done in Photoshop. I guess I was inspired by that song... I first found it when I read the lyrics trying to see if I'd be interested in the new Creed CD... I read the lyrics for that song and immediately connected, and I've liked it since. Such is the case with a lot of my favorite songs. But this one is called "One Last Breath" and it's by Creed. The picture is supposed to be suggesting that Tigrin already jumped and has hit the concrete far below, and is lying there in the rain. I think suggesting that it's raining in the pic was the hardest to do. If you're wondering why I usually use Tigrin in such pictures, it's because I closely relate Tigrin with myself, so instead of drawing myself I draw my character.

I think the picture suggests that life is fragile... But it can be saved through such a simple act as love and company. Artwork © Copyright 2002 Krystina Haggerty

Teen (VO)
Finished Work
22y60d ago
Other Work By @tigrin

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