
What i did almost the whole time at the science fair...
What i did almost the whole time at the science fair... by @Kaluaru (kaluaru)

This is what i did during the science fair today. and i AM aware that they have no feet. -_-0My attention span is so short - i started out drawing, then i read a book, then i played 1 1/2 games of chess, then i played half a card game, then i watched jaycee draw, then i sat and watched a fly land on and off my papers. And this was all in the first 30 minutes. ::sigh:: I was only bored because there were no judges today. Hee!

Artwork © Copyright 2002 Jenni Faelis

22y106d ago
Other Work By @Kaluaru

Comments & Critiques (2)

Preferred comment/critique type for this content: Any Kind

Posted: Friday, 22 February, 2002 @ 04:09 PM

Hey Jenni girl! What's poppin'? This pic is great! What are you talking about, it's not ugly! I love ya babe! keep up the good work!

Posted: Saturday, 23 February, 2002 @ 11:32 PM

Yes, I am verra copyright me, and you are verra copyright you, 'cause no one is the same, right? So no stealing me or Jenni!
Randomnes... >O.o< Sorry for that little outburst. Anyway, at least YOU didn't have 2nd graders trying to kill eachother with you project... I did ::shudder:: So I let them spear my target with arrows, instead of eachother>^^<

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