Amber Humes

SHIZZAH by @Amborg (Amber Humes)

Jeez.. Carrots make nice disemboweling tool..things! XD! This was a drawing on the LAST day of school, during the awards assembly, and I was in study hall cuz I didnt wanna go. So Marty and Spaz told me to DRAW A SHEEP. So I did, and it ended up lookin crazy. So I Just colored it real quick on adobe, and WHOO, here is my sheep fer you. His name is Shen because There's this kid we call Sheep at skool, and his name is Shaughn. And then, its "the wisc" because it kinda looks like a wolfsheep, and its like "wolf in sheep's clothing" Yep. The end. XDD!! Artwork © Copyright 2002 Amber Humes

Teen (V)
Finished Work
22y15d ago
Other Work By @Amborg

Comments & Critiques (2)

Preferred comment/critique type for this content: Any Kind

Posted: Thursday, 20 June, 2002 @ 04:56 PM

RRRRRRRR! IT'S THE SHEEEEP! AND HE'S GOT THE CARROT TOO! RAAARG! Ya know after I saw this piccie all colored and stuff I totally went into a frenzy, ya know...jumping on people and stuff. Well...HAVE A NICE SUMMER KREE!

Posted: Thursday, 20 June, 2002 @ 05:25 PM

BWAHAH! It DOES look neat colored. I'm glad I was there to witness the drawing of it tear I MISS SHEEP AND GOD AND TWINNY! sob

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