Kelly Marie

Zoot Suit Riot 2
Zoot Suit Riot 2 by @kellmari (Kelly Marie)

AWww...Gir (From invader Zim)and Pira...in Zoot suits.....hehehe..the colors of the suits were inspired by Twisted Dib aka Ami...don't they just look adorable..?!!! ^.^!!!

Finished Work
22y85d ago
Other Work By @kellmari

Comments & Critiques (5)

Preferred comment/critique type for this content: Any Kind

Posted: Wednesday, 10 April, 2002 @ 09:32 PM

WOW, Kel!!! This is ACES!!! I love the shading of blue and purple very elegant looking-for some reason I think this particular pic would make an awesome ZIM poster!

Posted: Thursday, 11 April, 2002 @ 12:54 PM


ahem< It's really great. Keep it up... and maybe do a swing club scene with the rest of the cast. Ya gotta admit, it'd be funny.

Posted: Friday, 12 April, 2002 @ 11:58 PM

Hey, this looks REAL cute. :) Anyhow, how would you like to do an art trade? I mean, I like to draw, though I suck compared to you and Chelsea, and you like to draw, evidently, so.. You wanna? Lemme know in a review, or I s'pose you can e-mail me. In the mean time, good job with this, keep it up! :)

Posted: Sunday, 14 April, 2002 @ 08:50 PM

I LOVE IT!!!!! but...P.I.R. is going to be mad lol but who cares I love this picture KEEP IT UP!!!!! Invader K.C. (Zims girl friend) ^..^s

Posted: Thursday, 06 June, 2002 @ 11:58 AM

It really is an adorable picture, and say "hi" to Mani fer me! ( I still call her that. o.o ) Hopefully, though, my criticism ( spelliiing ) is of worth for you, and I could be wrong, at that. Pira's eye is a little..ovally. Not sure if it's appos'd be more round or if that's right and I'm just stupid. So, yeah. Tell Mani hi. 'Tis Britt.

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  • Heavy Critique - A serious analysis of this work, with emphasis on identifying potential problem areas, good use of technique and skill, and suggestions for potentially improving the work.
Please keep in mind, critiques may highlight both positive and negative aspects of this work, but the main goal is to constructively help the artist to improve in their skills and execution. Be kind, considerate, and polite.