Megan Casey

Ex-Agent Stellar
Ex-Agent Stellar by @paradox (Megan Casey)

Ex-Agent Stellar

All Information on the Agent known as 'Stellar' has been erased from the files.

FINALLY! Information on what the agents are...

They started off as a single drawing of an agent {agent sheilk}. Then, a second. {agent moonshade}. That second agent started what they were. I showed the two to some people I know...the second agent looked frighteningly like one of them. Thus, she was called Agent MoonShade. And where there's a MoonShade, there's a Sheilk. Which is how the first drawn became Agent Sheilk.

Now...two agents? A mere two agents? It was hardly enough. Which is how NeoStrata (based on Sam), and Astro (based on Liam), came forth...now four. We were getting somewhere's...but --- what about Sciences? Corona was soon created (based on Greg)...and only a single undercover agent? Stellar was drawn, (based on Tracy). There were then created three more agents. But these...I've been too lazy to draw ^_^. Quazar (based on Pat), has not yet arrived at the HQ. Eclipse (based on Freya), who infact has her /own/ HQ, hidden somwhere's in New Zealand. And StarDust...StarDust works alone, belonging to no agency of any sort.

I /am/ working on stories and such for them...They will be up..somewhers..uh....sometime. ^_^.

Another thanks to Myles --- he helped me with their positions & such.

22y111d ago
Other Work By @paradox

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