Kinata Daemontah

Rose and Thorn sketch
Rose and Thorn sketch by @kinadaem (Kinata Daemontah)

These are two new characters if mine for a story I'm going to be writing. They are brother and sister. They're both alien-dog-demon things, I haven't thought of a name yet.

Thorn is 17 years old, and a thief. One night he decided he was going to break into a castle and steal some things to sell in the black market. Little did he knew, the window he decided to sneak inside through was a window in the princess' room. As soon as he got up onto the window sill, the princess saw him, screamed, and threw something at him, knocking him into the moat. That was his first encounter with her. Months later, the princess is kidnapped by some evil people, and the king hires Thorn to get her back. He's actually forced into it. ^^;; They don't get along very well at first, but by the time Thorn and the princess get back to the palace, they have fallen in love. As a reward, the king made Thorn a general of the army. Acouple months pass, and Thorn and the princess have been seeing each other acouple nights a week, and the king discovers their secret. So Thorn is sentenced to death. The princess convinces him to flee to another planet, and he ends up going to earth. There, he "moves in" with a human girl who has absolutely NOTHING mildly entertaining in her life, and ends up creating chaos in the little town.

Rose is Thorn's older sister. She's eeevil. The king hires her to track down Thorn and bring him back to the planet. The king even gives her the 'honor' of beheading him when she brings him back.

Teen (O)
Rough / Concept
22y188d ago
Other Work By @kinadaem

Comments & Critiques (1)

Preferred comment/critique type for this content: Any Kind

Posted: Thursday, 10 January, 2002 @ 04:35 PM

oooooo..... Thorn be a cute un

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